Tuesday, January 28, 2014


                                                          black tip reef shark

                      the black tip reef shark got its name do to its black tipped fins and the shark will swim in deep water near the reefs they will eat small reef fish and octopus the reef sharks offspring will swim in the shallows and the reef shark is used for its meaty fins and its liver oil the black tip reef is likely to bite the natives of tropical islands


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


                                                                     mega mouth shark
                                                       mega mouth shark locations

  1.                         the mega mouth shark is shark and is a filter feeder the shark is a deep water swimmer and extremely rare it is super rare to see them eat a human and they mostly eat krill ,jelly fish and plankton the mega mouth shark was found in 1976 and they have rubbery lips and are a shark that swims with its mouth open.
  2.  there is only one question that I have and that is why are the mega mouth sharks eating humans.         

Monday, January 13, 2014

whale shark 
the whale shark is a shark that dos not eat fish and prefers to eat like a whale and eat krill the whale shark is 41.50 feet long they have a life span of 70 years and is the largest filter feeding shark the species originated about 60 million years ago and lived to this day the whale swims in tropical waters and can be seen from shore the shark will swim in lagoons and coral reefs the whale shark is no threat to divers but can be a danger if its mouth is open and you are in the way you may be in the mouth of the whale and trapped inside.

I think that the whale shark is safe to us and will be for a long time