Thursday, March 27, 2014

The eyelash viper

watch video of eyelash viper
watch eyelash viper handling
                         The eyelash viper is found in south america they rang around central america, mexico, Colombia, and they eat frogs mice humming birds nest lings and lizards.They get there name from the 3 to 4 scales around there eyes and that is how the name came to be. They come in colors of yellow green they will not bite a human if it is not bothered, there bite holds a Hemotoxic venom witch they would inject in to there prey. The scales are hard and sharp unlike the other snakes that are pit vipers like it the have a pair of heat sensitive pits between there eyes and they will hunt at night and sometimes during the day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

                                                                 Bahamas saw shark
        The Bahamas saw shark is apart of the Pristiophoridae family and are found in the western central Atlantic ocean from the Bahamas and at depths between 400 and 1,000 meters  these sharks are at least 8ft long. The Bahamas  saw shark is found on continental and insular slopes in  the shallows and they can hide by covering there self in a blanket of sand  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

                                                             The frilled shark
        The frilled shark is a snake like shark from the preastoric time they have no dorsal fin but they have small side fins they are rare to see they prefer the depths of 5,000 feet, and they eat smaller sharks and small fish and they have never been seen eating there pry, the small sized ones are not likely to live for 3 to 4 years, the frilled shark is not like the other types of sharks,the first frilled shark was found by a fisherman in tokyo/japan, the fisherman reported seeing a eel like monster with sharp teeth and he called the Awashiwa marine park ,they went back to the site on where the monster was found and it was a living fossil ,they got it out of the water and it died after a few hours the gills on it looked like someone had cut them with a knife and the number of gills where a total of six on each side of the ell like shark they have 200 rows of fork like teeth and they make a grate grip on slippery pry like squid.

Monday, March 24, 2014

                                                                            frilled lizard

     The frilled lizard is that has a hod that is mostly their skin they eat off a diet of turmites ants other small lizards and the male frilled lizard is 1.1 pounds etch of the frilled lizards come in different colors and size they can run on there back legs the predators are the dingo,larger lizards,snakes and feral cats they will his and extend there hod and if that dose not work they will run away on there back legs the female frilled lizard lays up to 8 to 23 tinny eggs in a underground nest the hatch lings come out ready to hunt eat small pry like ants and other little food's they can eat.