Friday, April 25, 2014

the poison dart frog

     The poison dart frog is vary deadly and if eaten you will die soon the dart frog lives in rain forests and comes in many bright colors and the poison can kill 10 fully grown men, there are over 100 types of the poison dart frog the poison dart frog, is going extinct and they got there name from the local tribes of the rain forests they used the poison ,from the frog to make deadly darts ,and to get all of the poison out they poked holes in the frogs back and held it over a fire. The female is more wider than the male the poison dart frogs bright colors are a sign of danger, to the predators around the frog but some of the predators do not take the sign and pay the price.
eggs of the poison dart frog

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Caiman alligator

   The caiman can be found in rivers of the rain forest and they are mostly in south america. they caiman can be hunted by the big cats of the rain forest or even bull sharks that are living in the rain forests fresh water
black caiman 

The caiman can grow up to 13 feet long and the largest, on record is a black caiman that was 32 feet long,and that size beet the worlds largest fresh water gator by 11.75 feet and the size was 20.25 feet long the gators name was Lolong the gator was so big that it had to be pulled on land by 100 men and Lolong died of cardiac arrest around 8pm February/10/2013. The caiman's diet is catfish,piranhas,birds,fish and when they are the right size they will hunt on land and eat humans and livestock at night. the caiman dose not make a good pet unless you have the proper training to handle a caiman.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Andaconda

The Andaconda is the biggest snake in the amazon and rain forests they can eat all kinds of food it can find that is made out of meat and the will even eat there own kind out of mating rites or a clam on a kill. the andaconda comes from the boa family and they will stay in slow moving rivers or streams, There are four types of andaconda and they are the green,the yellow , the dark spotted andaconda, and the Bolivian andaconda these are the four types of andacondas and they are all killers.

                                                         Food that the andaconda eats 



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

African rock python

 watch African

The African rock python can grow to be able to eat a fully grown man and even a large gators.They eat lots of things they can find the have even been reported to eat lions and other large edible prays. They have eaten children that got to close or that when't for a walk and found a nest and the mother is never far away. The largest rock python found was 20 feet long and all rock pythons have a nasty reputation to up hold people
 keep them as pets and they take the risk of death,having a pet that can rap around you and crush your bones and kill you the rock python has been fund in florida,they are moving in to the homes and local pools and are eating the wild life of the ever glades and even the children.