Thursday, September 25, 2014


watch bushmaster being milked                 
                             the bushmaster can be found in the jungles of central america they are a oviparous species. the bush master can lay up to 10 to 12 eggs the female bushmaster will coil around the eggs until they hatch and will not live even to hunt. They never leave a water source and they live in the tropical forest of costa rica in tall trees they eat small rats insects and birds.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Different Types of Dog Sharks

                    The dog shark can change its color and hide its self from its predators the dog shark is known to swim at depths of 650 ft below the surface. It will hunt in packs like wolves the dog shark can grow up to 100 cm. The male dog shark can mature around 11 years and with its flat blunt teeth they can bite down on even the hardest prey, like crab and lobster they also eat shrimp worms and mollusks.

 pack of dog shark
smooth dog shark 

Great hammerhead

Great hammerhead swimmingThe great hammer head can grow up to 20 feet but not all of them grow to be that size and the average size is 12 feet they have a whole 360 view with there hammer shaped heads. There eyes are on the sides of that hammer shaped head and there moth is under the head they are mostly lone but in packs.

                                                    the great hammerheads diet
sting ray


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

short fin mako shark

                 The mako shark can swim up to 43 mph and with there torpedo like body the are one of the fastest sharks in the sea. They mostly live in tropical waters and are known to attack people that are swimming they are aggressive feeders and they are about 7 or 10 degrees warmer than the water around them they are mostly at a depth of 490 feet and they can jump up to 20 feet

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Belcher Sea snake

Sea Snake

       The belcher sea snake can be found in mostly tropical waters like south east Asia and northern Australia their venom is so strong that it can kill 1000 men, just from just a few milligrams less than 1/4 of the bites contain venom. Most of the bites are just warnings most of them know we are to big to be pray. but when they feel that we are a threat they will attack and kill most of the people are fisher men that catch fish in there nets and sometimes the snakes get mixed in to the catch and some of the fishermen are bitten. there are many kinds of sea snakes in the world and they all will attack if you are treat to them. Sea snakes can stay under water for 2 hours . 

                                 Sea snake bite symptoms

        the bite from a sea snake effects will begin within 3 hours the symptoms include:

               .painful muscles 

               . blurry vision  
               . vomiting 
               . excessive saliva production 
               . paralysis in the legs