Wednesday, October 29, 2014

salt water crocodile

  Photo: A saltwater crocodile on a beach
               The salt water crocodile is on of the worlds biggest crocodiles it can go in both salt and fresh water.There average size is 17 feet (5 meters) long (1,000 ponds or 450 kilograms) but some grow to a size of 23 feet (7 meters) long, and over 2,200 pound (1000 kilograms) but they are rare to find. They rang from eastern india,southwest asia, northern astralia, there population numbers range between 200,000 to 300,000 the have a low chance of  extinction.They have earned the title of man eater. They are a target to a poacher for it skin because it has more value than other crocodile skins.

                                                               some pray items

wild hog
bull shark 

water buffalo 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Nile Crocodile

                   Nile crocodiles are the largest crocodiles in africa and some can reach sizes up to 20 feet long, the average size is 13 feet the 20 feet nile crocodile is rare to see. they have been known to be man eaters they also eat wild life most of the humans are washing there clothing in the river or gathering water when they are attacked.The nile crocodile was almost hunted to extinction in the 1940's  to the 1960's .there average life span is 45 years.

                                       Some Nile Crocodile prey
thomoson gazelle
cat fish 

Monday, October 20, 2014

coral snake

                         The eastern coral snake can be found in the southeastern parts of the united states of america and in north carolina and south carolina the can also be found in georgia and  alabama and the missisipi. If the bite from a coral snke is not treated it can lead to cardiac arrest, in some cases you can not even feel if you have been bit or not some bites are pain less. The coral snake comes out of there eggs 7 inches long and 17.8 cm they eat birds ,lizards, rodents, and snakes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Salmon Shark

The salmon shark is a close relative of the great white shark and is Alaska's great white shark, The salmon shark uses speed and agility to catch its prey the salmon sharks can reach sizes of 10 feet and they do jump out of the water like the great white and Mako shark  the salmon s 1,000s of salmon sharks migrate to Alaska and go on a feeding frenzy.