Wednesday, February 25, 2015

monitor lizard

Image result for monitor lizardThe monitor lizard is related to its much larger relative the kamodo dragon in a way you can call it a small scale kamodo dragon. But do not think that it can not harm you just because of its size the monitor is still as capable of causing damage like the kamodo dragon because of there razor sharp teeth and claws and because of its size it can run up to 28 mph and that is faster than the fastest human in the world that ran at 18 mph compared to a normal human that can run only 15 mph. The monitor lizard can reach sizes up to 310 cm and lives from 15 to 30 years there colors can be tan, brown, grey, or green. There habitats include river banks and coastal forests and there Life style type is solitary. There diet includes mostly eggs fish and edible plants.there mostly found in indonisa asia florida and australia. The best thing to do if you see one of these lizards is to stay still and try not to make yourself a target and remember these lizards can use there test the air for your sent and they can pick up a sent even if it is 5 miles away.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blue Krait

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The blue krait is the worlds 3rd most toxic snake and 50% of its bites even with the anti venom are deadly. The maximum length for the blue krait is 1.6 meters and they rang from all over thailand and much of southeast asia. The blue krait will mostly active at night and is not likely to bite during the day and is more likely to bite at night but do not think that you can mess with it during the day because the have still been known to bite during the day if under attack,or if you get to close to the  nest or it. the blue krait can lay from 4 to 10 eggs at birth the blue krait is 30(cm) and they are born in june-july. If you find your self in  a hospital bed due to a blue krait bite and they do not have the anti venom the ask if they have any tiger snake anti venom because it works just fin as a substitute for the blue krait anti venom.

Monday, February 9, 2015

eastern brown snake

    The eastern brown is the worlds 2nd deadly snake . The brown's name is not to be made fun of just 1/14000 of a ounce of its venom is able to kill a man and some bad news is that the brown  prefers the populated areas of australia. Some good news is that half of there bites contain no venom and they prefer not to bite if possible. In the past the eastern brown has been known to chase after there attacker and bite them over and over and still dose. The eastern brown's venom is a nurotoxin and can cause blood clots and the person who has been bit by the snake can go into cardiac arrest. The best way to deal with the snake is to not move and let it pass by if you are far from the snake walk away slowly and do not go near even if you have a weapon like a gun a knife this will just make it mad if you miss so do not try this or it will just chase you and try to bite you. The best advise you can give to a family or a pal is to be safe and watch out for the brown snake if you go to australia along with the other snakes.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The cottonmouth can reach sizes of 30 to 43 inches, there colors can range between black to olive and some browns. They are named cottonmouths because of there white mouth the cotton mouth is mostly active at night and sun bathes during the day on the roods and are some times unlucky and are run over by cars that are driving by.The cotton mouth is a pit viper and there heat detecting pits are between the eyes and nose they are not likely to attack unless they are trapped or if you get to close,most of the attacks on humans are because of this way of protection about a Quarter of the attacks are on pets because they get to close to the cottonmouth and the pet getting to interested in the moving snake.The cottonmouth can be found in marshlands for example the floridas everglades  and the everglades thick brush areas. The cotton mouth is moving in to the people of floridas homes and they have even been found in peoples bathrooms in the the toilets people have also even found them in there sinks and bathroom tubs. If you need to see this then copy the link below and view the video.