Friday, March 20, 2015

Gaboon Viper

   The Gabon viper is one of the many largest snakes and some can grow to be 7 feet long and the gabon viper is known to have large venom glands in it head making its head huge. The gabon viper can be found  mostly in the moist areas of central africa the gabons diet is made up of small prey items such as frogs and small rodents on the ground and underground. The average size of this snake is 4-6 feet long and there average weight is 8-16 pounds making this snake heavy and there fangs are 1 to 2 inches long and can deal a deadly dose of venom there venom type is a cardiotoxin witch will destroy the hart and body muscles and make the victim die of muscle failure. The gaboon viper can give berth from 30 to 60 live young making there chance of growing up to mature a 50% chance and this makes the chance of coming across one high but if you see one of these snakes try to avoid it because it is not to be messed with and it can kill you and it is said that some of the bite victims die in 7 days so do try to stay away from this snake.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Image result for boomslang snake


The boom slang is one of the worlds deadliest snakes and is different compered to your average venomous snake it's eyes are not like cats but are round as you can see in the image to the right . The boomslang has a round head like the black mamba and comes in many bright colors. The boomslang's venom packs a punch but it is shy and less likely to bite people but do not think that you are safe just because it is shy because some are not and they will not hesitate to bite. The boomslang's venom is a hemotoxin meaning that it attacks red blood cells and can cause the one it bites to bleed from there gums and the nose and the victim will turn blue from internal bleeding and will die do to lack of blood and there body will shut down and the victim will die but lucky for use there is an antivenom that can be given but this dose not always work out in the end for some but for most this works.