Monday, November 9, 2015

Mexican Beaded Lizard/ Heloderma Horridurm

     Today's blog will be on the Mexican beaded lizard, this lizard like the Gila monster is poisonous and is one of the 2 poisonous lizards in the world. This lizard is in the same family as the Gila monster and they are both similar in appearance, However the Gila monster is smaller and more colorful compared to the Mexican beaded lizard. The beaded lizard spend most of their time in a burrow in their remote habitats, both the Gila and beaded lizard are sole survivors of and ancient group of lizards called the monstersauria. Both the Gila and beaded lizards do not make good pets because of their venomous bite however some people do keep them as pets but after certain requirements are meet in certain country's for more info on that search it online. They mostly eat eggs of birds and lizards along with snake eggs and even small animals like mice, The largest they can get is 40 in (101 cm) and weigh 5 pound  the average age is 30 to 50 years in the wild and 40 in captivity. As the name suggest they live in Mexico but have been found in Arizona. If you reader would like to know more then you can search the web. 


Monday, November 2, 2015

Banded Gila Monster / Heloderma suspectum cinctum

                                                 Today's blog is on the Banded Gila monster, This lizard can be found in the deserts of southwestern united states and northwestern mexico. Their habitat is mostly desert areas with dead trees and shrubs they also can be found on mountain slops. This lizard is one of the 2 venomous lizards in the world The other is the Mexican bearded lizard , They use this venom in defense rather than to subdue prey  the venom is introduced through the lizards bottom jaw form venom glands in the lower jaw, Their the teeth on the bottom jaw are just as nasty they have groves that are designed to do damage the flesh of their victim. They are a threatened species and they have a chance of going extinct this is because of urban development and agriculture, Also the illegal capture of these     animals and they are sold on the black market as pets.                                                                

Image result for gila monster eggs

This lizard lays from 3 to 12 eggs during the late spring in their shallow nests dug into the ground, If you find a nest do not disturb it and know that the mother or father are near by watching ready to attack if they see you as a threat to the nest.                                     

This lizard can grow up to be 20 inches long and weigh up to 5 to 10 pounds.

They can be identified by the pink and black bands on their tail.

Fun Facts

-The Gila monster is immune to it's own venom

-Gila monsters can live up to 20 years

-The Gila monster is named after the Gila Basin in Arizona