Thursday, March 31, 2016

Eastern Angel Shark

Image result for eastern angel sharkToday's blog is on the Eastern Angel shark, They get their name from the wing-like fins on their side. As you can see in the picture below they have their eyes on top of their head and they use them to look up to see small fish and they hid under sand like a stingray, Just remember they look similar so if you see one be careful it could be a stingray instead. This shark is nothing like all the others like the great white or bull shark they do not attack humans and they are friendly and have a devilish mean streak they usually hunt small fish and plankton ,however, they will attack if provoked , This shark is at risk of going extinct though and it is quite a shame they are usually hunted for the wings on their side like stingrays and could be dying from pollution as well. If you would like to find out more about this beauty then cheek out the links below.

Video Links   Angel shark attack Untamed and Uncut

The eastern angel shark has its eyes on the upper surface of its head and long, broad pectoral fins. The  gills are on the side of the head and the long depressed tail has no anal fin

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Monocled Cobra

Image result for Monocled cobra
Today's blog is on the Monocled cobra,This snake is one of the many cobra species out there the are also one of the most deadliest of the cobras. They can be found in South and Southeast Asia,India,China,Vietnam,Cambodia and many other parts of the world. This snake can grow to from 4-7.5 ft in length and they are called Monocled cobras due to their O shaped pattern on the back of their heads also known as the monocellate hood pattern they are usually found in rice fields and Forrest areas they are around the rice fields due to the rodents that come to eat the rice they are found in the small mice dens, they can also be found in residential areas and on black market. They feed on small rodents juveniles feed on small frogs and lizards and even each other.This snakes venom is one of the fastest acting in the world and will kill a adult in 1 hour after envenomation the nurotoxins in it's venom will cause drowsiness and nerve issues causing pain and trouble moving muscles which will eventually lead to cardiac arrest and the death of the victim also if you are bit on the neck then you will only have 30 minutes. The best thing to do if bit by this snake is to tie of the limb with a rope or something that you can use to slow the spreed of the venom, this can buy you more time depending on how fast you react. If you would like to learn more about this snake then check out the links below. 

Monocled cobra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Image result for Monocled cobra

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Garter Snake

Plains Garter Snake 

The garter snake is not a dangerous snake and is a usually kept as a pet by snake loves, Although this snake may look mean they are not a threat, to people even though they have sharp teeth, they do not attack people they are a very shy snake and usually avoid humans. They mostly feed on small frogs and insects because of they're size but if  you are bitten make sure to clean the wound and see a doctor encase you may have a allergic reaction to the venom in the bite. 


They are a common in North America they are also the only snake that can live in Alaska naturally due to they're adaptability in both habitat and diet. How ever when most of  the different species are being removed from they're natural habitats as pets causing some of them to be endangered and eventually go extinct. 


This snake dose not have a way to show aggression how ever they will coil up and release a terrible sent to try to get predators to go away this has about a 50% chance of working, They are also the only snake that dose this if this dose not work they will try to get away using any water source nearby and will even stay and try to find something to eat.

Easter Garter Snake 

The male Garter snake will follow the females sent and if he finds another male heading in the same direction they will fight over mating rights and the winner will mate with the female and she will chase him off after and wait up to a year to give birth to 80 new garter snakes most of them will most likely die soon after birth only around 25% of them will survive.