Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fiji Island banded iguana (Brachylophus bulabula)


Today's blog is on the Fiji Island Banded iguana, The name is a dead giveaway on where they can be found this iguana lives in Fiji and is a rare sight to see they range in color from light blues to greens. They can grow to be 12 inches long/1 foot long they have a stripe-like pattern on their backs that are pale white the males are green colored and the females are green and they both have red eyes. They are endangered this explains why they are such a rare sight and why there is not much information on them



Tagimoucia flowers in Fiji
They live on the tropical island of Fiji and they use the shade to cool off during the day and stay high up in the trees they also cool off in fresh water pools around this island. They eat mostly flowers,fruit,insects and bask in the sun to warm up.

Duranta erecta fruits.jpg
Durauta Erecta
Dilo Tree berries 

If you need more information on this iguana use the links below I hope you reader enjoyed this blog post if you did then leave a comment.


Brachylophus bulabula (Central Fijian Banded Iguana, Fijian Banded ...


The Fiji Banded Iguana (Brachylophus bulabula) exhibit in the ..

Monday, May 16, 2016

Winghead shark(Eusphyra blochii)

Winghead shark, dorsal view
Today's blog is on the wing head shark(Eusphyra Blochii), This shark is apart of the hammerhead sharks evolution and as seen in the graph below showing the evolution of this shark from the bonnethead shark to the winghead shark. This shark is a newly found species and their is not much information on the shark so i'll just tell you what I found on it, they're population is unknown and also they are being considered to be a threatened species, they have a large hammer and the give birth to 6-11 pups each year but only 2-3 will survive they give birth to them after a gestation period that is 8-11 months long when they are born they are 45 cm long and maturity occurs at 110 cm. I wish I could find more about this shark but Im sure that there is a lot more out there if you would like to know more then I am sure you reader can find out more.

Native to:
Indian Ocean – western; Indian Ocean – eastern; Pacific – western central
Australia; Bangladesh; China; India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Myanmar; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Taiwan, Province of China; Thailand; Viet Nam

Evolution of Hammerhead 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Egyptian Spiny-Tailed Lizard

Bit of Info 
                  Today's blog is on the Egyptian Spiny-Tailed lizard this lizard is known to live in Egypt and is most commonly found near the Red sea and in mountainous areas, they get their name from the spines on their tail this serves as a defense from predators trying to grab it's tail. They have small flat bodies that allow them to get through hard to reach areas, They can change their body color depending on the temperature of their body they can turn White,yellow,black and many other colors depending on the temperature of their body. For more imformation on this lizard cheek out the links below.

Links To Videos and Websites 


                Lizards - Reptiles Magazine


              Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard video - Uromastyx aegyptia - 03 | ARKive

Pictures For Your Enjoyment 
Yellow colored 

Full body picture 
Tail of Lizard 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus)

Today's blog is on the Basking shark, this shark can grow up to 6-10 meters long and when they are adults they are around 5 tons/ 5,000 pounds. They are the 2nd largest fish in the ocean and they are gentle giants they are like the whale shark and only eat plankton and krill they do this through the 1,000's of bristles in their gills they  reach almost to the top of the sharks head and each of its fins can reach a length of 2 meters each, the mouth of this shark can reach a length of 1 meter across and also contains small hooked teeth they have more teeth than any other shark in the world they have a very large liver that can take up 25% of the sharks body weight this helps the shark stay afloat for the rest of its oceanic life.  The juveniles of this species have a hook like snout wich changes during the first year of their life.  


From arkive.org
