Wednesday, August 27, 2014

spitting cobra

watch spitting cobra vs lion

     The spitting cobra is a snake that can spit its venom in to the eyes of its attacker and after that the eyes of the attacker will burn the cocktail contains nerve poisons, and the eyes can go blind if not treated with water. the black neck cobra hits at least one eye and the Mozambique cobra hit their target every time, not all cobras spit their venom some have a specially modified fang with a small hole in it when the snake contracts its venom gland they inject their venom throw their fangs and at high pressure the fang is attached to a flap of skin and bone that opens when the cobra opens its mouth cobras spit there venom at a velocity of a water pistol the rang of the attack is about  4 to 8 feet the shot is fast enough that no human can evade it but the range is greater the bigger the snake.

1 comment:

  1. Cool video, Chris, and funny cartoon. Sort of. I always enjoy your blog posts.

    This year, I really want you to spend more time correcting the mistakes - capitalize first words in sentences, avoid run-ons, make sure your spelling is corrected. That'll bring your scores up.
