Wednesday, February 25, 2015

monitor lizard

Image result for monitor lizardThe monitor lizard is related to its much larger relative the kamodo dragon in a way you can call it a small scale kamodo dragon. But do not think that it can not harm you just because of its size the monitor is still as capable of causing damage like the kamodo dragon because of there razor sharp teeth and claws and because of its size it can run up to 28 mph and that is faster than the fastest human in the world that ran at 18 mph compared to a normal human that can run only 15 mph. The monitor lizard can reach sizes up to 310 cm and lives from 15 to 30 years there colors can be tan, brown, grey, or green. There habitats include river banks and coastal forests and there Life style type is solitary. There diet includes mostly eggs fish and edible plants.there mostly found in indonisa asia florida and australia. The best thing to do if you see one of these lizards is to stay still and try not to make yourself a target and remember these lizards can use there test the air for your sent and they can pick up a sent even if it is 5 miles away.

Image result for monitor lizard

1 comment:

  1. I've seen these, and Komodo Dragons, in Australia and in Indonesia. They are the size of small crocs.
