Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saw Scaled viper/carpet viper

chart of different snake species 
The saw scaled viper is highly venomous and is considered one of south asia's most deadliest snakes.This snake is not afraid of people and is quick to bite at anything that is close to it even another fellow saw scaled viper if need be. The saw scaled viper is nocturnal and dose not rely like to come out during the day but if it is hungry it will come out most of them bury themselves in sand and ambush there prey. there habitats are made of desert and urban areas. The behaviors and adaptations of this snake are they are ambush animals and they are well camouflaged they are nocturnal and last they are venomous.They inhabit arid and dry regions north of the equator like africa aribia along with india and sir lanka and southwestern asia. you can identify this snake from its stout body with a pear shaped head that is distinct from the neck. The effects of its venom can cause internal bleeding and a pain full death for who ever is bit by the saw scaled viper the type toxin in the venom is called a  hemotoxin the reason for it's name is because it attacks the human body's red blood cells.

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