Wednesday, September 2, 2015

leopard gecko

        Today's blog will be about the leopard gecko,this species of gecko can grow from 7-10 inches and the average leopard gecko lives up to 15 years and with good care up to 25.Their diet consists of crickets,meal worms,wax worms,super worms, and live insects.They prefer temperatures that range from 86-90 °F keep in mind that the temperatures must to be between 86 and 90 °F  to keep the leopard gecko healthy and not being to hot or cold.Also if you are going to have this gecko as a pet the housing has to be 10 to 20 gallons large or larger.Somethings you may want to include in their environment is a large enough pool of water so they can have plenty to drink, and a shaded area where the can go cool off  so they do not get to hot,some other things are a food source for them to eat when they are hungry.The leopard gecko's natural environments are in deserts, They can be found in afganistan, pakistan ,south asia and in some parts of Iran. Also remember that they have sencitive ears so do not tap on the tank and try to keep them a quiet room if posible.

My thoughts on the leopard gecko are, one they make good pets, two they are harmless and three if you own one then watch over it and make sure it is well feed and given plenty of water.

Interesting facts 

-The leopard geckos store water in their tail they use this in the wild to stay cool.
-Some leopard geckos can be solid black albino or even have stripes when bred in captivity.
-If you shine a flashlight at a leopard geckos head you can see through bothsides of its head.

As you can see in the image the leopard gecko can be identified by their yellow and blue with black spot body.


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  2. I want one! Watch those run on sentences, and remember to put a space in after commas and periods.
