Wednesday, November 19, 2014

black mamba

     The black mamba is one of the worlds most deadly snake's and it's name comes from its mouths black and blue color it's skin is more brown to a olive grey than black. The black mamba can reach sizes up to 14 feet long and in meters that is (4.5) on land they can move at a speed of 12.5 mph witch makes it more than 2 times faster than the average human runner. the black mamba's caridotoxin can kill in a matter of 20 minutes depending on the amount of the cardiotoxin is put in your body it can also take up to 6 to 8 hours but it 100% fatal it is vary rare for a person that has a bite by the mamba to survive. The black mamba lives in Africa and is one of the worlds largest toxic snakes.
black mamba with mouthopen 
black mamba fangs 
black mamba skeleton 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Eastern diamondback Rattle snake

Photo: An eastern diamondback rattlesnake                                                                                 

        The eastern diamondback rattle snake is about
equal for fatal attacks the are differ from each other by 
there homes the eastern diamond back can be found in 
the wet lands and the barrier island's and the Florida 
keys they can also be fond in eastern lousiana. they will 
attack if you are a treat to them or  a nest they are protecting. There habitats are wood piles gopher tortoise burrows and in florida the can be found in your house near your water heater and anything that will keep the warm during the winter or night. They can strike up to 2/3 of there body length and a 6 foot eastern diamondback can strike up to 4 feet. If you hear some sort of rattling not that far away walk away from the sound and call 911. Most of them are afraid of humans and some of them are not and the one that are not will not rattle there tail. A bite from one is filled with a hemotoxin that will attack your red blood cells and will cause tissue damage if not treated it will cause a  but it is rare to die from a bite it mostly depends on how of the hemotoxin is put into your body 
fangs of a eastern diamond back

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

salt water crocodile

  Photo: A saltwater crocodile on a beach
               The salt water crocodile is on of the worlds biggest crocodiles it can go in both salt and fresh water.There average size is 17 feet (5 meters) long (1,000 ponds or 450 kilograms) but some grow to a size of 23 feet (7 meters) long, and over 2,200 pound (1000 kilograms) but they are rare to find. They rang from eastern india,southwest asia, northern astralia, there population numbers range between 200,000 to 300,000 the have a low chance of  extinction.They have earned the title of man eater. They are a target to a poacher for it skin because it has more value than other crocodile skins.

                                                               some pray items

wild hog
bull shark 

water buffalo 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Nile Crocodile

                   Nile crocodiles are the largest crocodiles in africa and some can reach sizes up to 20 feet long, the average size is 13 feet the 20 feet nile crocodile is rare to see. they have been known to be man eaters they also eat wild life most of the humans are washing there clothing in the river or gathering water when they are attacked.The nile crocodile was almost hunted to extinction in the 1940's  to the 1960's .there average life span is 45 years.

                                       Some Nile Crocodile prey
thomoson gazelle
cat fish 

Monday, October 20, 2014

coral snake

                         The eastern coral snake can be found in the southeastern parts of the united states of america and in north carolina and south carolina the can also be found in georgia and  alabama and the missisipi. If the bite from a coral snke is not treated it can lead to cardiac arrest, in some cases you can not even feel if you have been bit or not some bites are pain less. The coral snake comes out of there eggs 7 inches long and 17.8 cm they eat birds ,lizards, rodents, and snakes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Salmon Shark

The salmon shark is a close relative of the great white shark and is Alaska's great white shark, The salmon shark uses speed and agility to catch its prey the salmon sharks can reach sizes of 10 feet and they do jump out of the water like the great white and Mako shark  the salmon s 1,000s of salmon sharks migrate to Alaska and go on a feeding frenzy.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


watch bushmaster being milked                 
                             the bushmaster can be found in the jungles of central america they are a oviparous species. the bush master can lay up to 10 to 12 eggs the female bushmaster will coil around the eggs until they hatch and will not live even to hunt. They never leave a water source and they live in the tropical forest of costa rica in tall trees they eat small rats insects and birds.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Different Types of Dog Sharks

                    The dog shark can change its color and hide its self from its predators the dog shark is known to swim at depths of 650 ft below the surface. It will hunt in packs like wolves the dog shark can grow up to 100 cm. The male dog shark can mature around 11 years and with its flat blunt teeth they can bite down on even the hardest prey, like crab and lobster they also eat shrimp worms and mollusks.

 pack of dog shark
smooth dog shark 

Great hammerhead

Great hammerhead swimmingThe great hammer head can grow up to 20 feet but not all of them grow to be that size and the average size is 12 feet they have a whole 360 view with there hammer shaped heads. There eyes are on the sides of that hammer shaped head and there moth is under the head they are mostly lone but in packs.

                                                    the great hammerheads diet
sting ray


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

short fin mako shark

                 The mako shark can swim up to 43 mph and with there torpedo like body the are one of the fastest sharks in the sea. They mostly live in tropical waters and are known to attack people that are swimming they are aggressive feeders and they are about 7 or 10 degrees warmer than the water around them they are mostly at a depth of 490 feet and they can jump up to 20 feet

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Belcher Sea snake

Sea Snake

       The belcher sea snake can be found in mostly tropical waters like south east Asia and northern Australia their venom is so strong that it can kill 1000 men, just from just a few milligrams less than 1/4 of the bites contain venom. Most of the bites are just warnings most of them know we are to big to be pray. but when they feel that we are a threat they will attack and kill most of the people are fisher men that catch fish in there nets and sometimes the snakes get mixed in to the catch and some of the fishermen are bitten. there are many kinds of sea snakes in the world and they all will attack if you are treat to them. Sea snakes can stay under water for 2 hours . 

                                 Sea snake bite symptoms

        the bite from a sea snake effects will begin within 3 hours the symptoms include:

               .painful muscles 

               . blurry vision  
               . vomiting 
               . excessive saliva production 
               . paralysis in the legs 


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

spitting cobra

watch spitting cobra vs lion

     The spitting cobra is a snake that can spit its venom in to the eyes of its attacker and after that the eyes of the attacker will burn the cocktail contains nerve poisons, and the eyes can go blind if not treated with water. the black neck cobra hits at least one eye and the Mozambique cobra hit their target every time, not all cobras spit their venom some have a specially modified fang with a small hole in it when the snake contracts its venom gland they inject their venom throw their fangs and at high pressure the fang is attached to a flap of skin and bone that opens when the cobra opens its mouth cobras spit there venom at a velocity of a water pistol the rang of the attack is about  4 to 8 feet the shot is fast enough that no human can evade it but the range is greater the bigger the snake.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The copper head

           The copperheads venom is hemolytic it destroys the red corpuscles of the blood and releases the hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid the resultant hemorrhaging destroys the snakes normal prey mostly small mammals. They can be found in Texas,Oklahoma,Kansas,Missouri,Arkansas,Louisiana,Mississippi,Alabama and so on there habitats are mixed wood lands forests rocky arias and even in swamp like arias. The copperheads young are born alive rather than hatched from eggs.The copperhead is holds the largest amount of snake bites in the us each year thousands of documented cases of people injured every year and many pets like dogs and cats are bitten often many of these go unreported copperhead bites are rarely fatal to humans.You can find out if its male of female by the size of the body or the tail the females are longer than the males and the males tail is longer than the female. Scientists have found a chemical in the copperheads venom that can stop cancerous tumors.    
copperhead bite

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The black king snake

black king snake 

            The black king snake can reach sizes up to 82 inches long the black king snake is a good snake to have around they will eat the snakes that can be bad to have around. the king snakes diet is mostly made of other snakes and small or large rats or mice lizards turtles birds and eggs and rattle snakes.
            The black king snake will have yellow under markings and large round eyes with round pupils there is no info on how long they live in the wild but they can live up to 33 years in a home or zoo. Some king snakes may look like there deadly counterpart but  they are not look at the picture below and you can see that for the coral snake black is on yellow and for the scarlet king snake the red is on black that is how you can tell witch is bad and witch is good to have around.

all of the king snakes 

albino scarlet king snake 

Friday, April 25, 2014

the poison dart frog

     The poison dart frog is vary deadly and if eaten you will die soon the dart frog lives in rain forests and comes in many bright colors and the poison can kill 10 fully grown men, there are over 100 types of the poison dart frog the poison dart frog, is going extinct and they got there name from the local tribes of the rain forests they used the poison ,from the frog to make deadly darts ,and to get all of the poison out they poked holes in the frogs back and held it over a fire. The female is more wider than the male the poison dart frogs bright colors are a sign of danger, to the predators around the frog but some of the predators do not take the sign and pay the price.
eggs of the poison dart frog

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Caiman alligator

   The caiman can be found in rivers of the rain forest and they are mostly in south america. they caiman can be hunted by the big cats of the rain forest or even bull sharks that are living in the rain forests fresh water
black caiman 

The caiman can grow up to 13 feet long and the largest, on record is a black caiman that was 32 feet long,and that size beet the worlds largest fresh water gator by 11.75 feet and the size was 20.25 feet long the gators name was Lolong the gator was so big that it had to be pulled on land by 100 men and Lolong died of cardiac arrest around 8pm February/10/2013. The caiman's diet is catfish,piranhas,birds,fish and when they are the right size they will hunt on land and eat humans and livestock at night. the caiman dose not make a good pet unless you have the proper training to handle a caiman.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Andaconda

The Andaconda is the biggest snake in the amazon and rain forests they can eat all kinds of food it can find that is made out of meat and the will even eat there own kind out of mating rites or a clam on a kill. the andaconda comes from the boa family and they will stay in slow moving rivers or streams, There are four types of andaconda and they are the green,the yellow , the dark spotted andaconda, and the Bolivian andaconda these are the four types of andacondas and they are all killers.

                                                         Food that the andaconda eats 

