Monday, November 17, 2014

Eastern diamondback Rattle snake

Photo: An eastern diamondback rattlesnake                                                                                 

        The eastern diamondback rattle snake is about
equal for fatal attacks the are differ from each other by 
there homes the eastern diamond back can be found in 
the wet lands and the barrier island's and the Florida 
keys they can also be fond in eastern lousiana. they will 
attack if you are a treat to them or  a nest they are protecting. There habitats are wood piles gopher tortoise burrows and in florida the can be found in your house near your water heater and anything that will keep the warm during the winter or night. They can strike up to 2/3 of there body length and a 6 foot eastern diamondback can strike up to 4 feet. If you hear some sort of rattling not that far away walk away from the sound and call 911. Most of them are afraid of humans and some of them are not and the one that are not will not rattle there tail. A bite from one is filled with a hemotoxin that will attack your red blood cells and will cause tissue damage if not treated it will cause a  but it is rare to die from a bite it mostly depends on how of the hemotoxin is put into your body 
fangs of a eastern diamond back

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