Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The taipan is the 4th deadliest snakes in the world and has a venom that is a neurotoxin that attacks the brain and can cause blood clots, this will kill almost everything that it bites if not treated with the anti venom this venom is strong enough to kill 12,000 guinea pigs from one dose you can find this snake in Australia the snake is related to the black mamba in its home and behavior the taipan is closer to the top of the worlds most deadliest the black mamba is less deadly than the taipan the black mamba is the 5th deadliest snakes on the planet but is not to be tread on. The taipan mostly eats warm blooded animals and will attack anything that is in its way and trying to kill it. this snake can reach sizes (6ft) long and they tend to lay about 6 eggs. The taipans can't live in areas that reach temps of 20(c) and 68(f) they can be found in woodland areas and sugarcane fields some sugarcane farmers are bitten by the taipan when harvesting the sugarcane and some do die in the process. Taipans differ in color and in size like in the picture below the can come in this gold and black coloration they also      come in other colors. 


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