Wednesday, May 27, 2015

mojave rattle snake

        The mojave rattle snake is one of many rattle snakes in the world and can be found in the mojave desert along with the extreme parts of texas and other extreme heat dry areas they can be found in these areas.The full grown adult males can grow from 2 to 4 feet in length making it a mid sized rattle snake the largest a rattle snake can grow is 8 to 9 feet most of the mojave rattle snakes olive on rocky slopes. The mojave rattle snake can be mistaken for a western diamondback rattle snake because of there similar diamond like pattern on there backs how ever there is a way to tell witch is witch on the western diamondback the diamond like pattern continues down the tail and on the mojave the diamonds stop three inches from the rattle and turn to lines.The mojave can come in color such as a olive green and or a green and grey mix but the most seen color is a brownish and yellow mix. The venom of this snake is ten times more potent than any other northern rattle snake this is what makes the mojave one of the most deadly rattle snakes in the u.s and the bite is said to be less painful the venom is a nurotoxin and it is called mojave toxin. They do not lay eggs but they give birth to live young and they are just as deadly as the adults because the young do not know how to control how much they use and even though they do not have much venom to start out with they can still kill more than one full grown human with  the amount they have. Also the mojave dose not have to many predators except for hawks and coyotes


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saw Scaled viper/carpet viper

chart of different snake species 
The saw scaled viper is highly venomous and is considered one of south asia's most deadliest snakes.This snake is not afraid of people and is quick to bite at anything that is close to it even another fellow saw scaled viper if need be. The saw scaled viper is nocturnal and dose not rely like to come out during the day but if it is hungry it will come out most of them bury themselves in sand and ambush there prey. there habitats are made of desert and urban areas. The behaviors and adaptations of this snake are they are ambush animals and they are well camouflaged they are nocturnal and last they are venomous.They inhabit arid and dry regions north of the equator like africa aribia along with india and sir lanka and southwestern asia. you can identify this snake from its stout body with a pear shaped head that is distinct from the neck. The effects of its venom can cause internal bleeding and a pain full death for who ever is bit by the saw scaled viper the type toxin in the venom is called a  hemotoxin the reason for it's name is because it attacks the human body's red blood cells.

Monday, May 11, 2015

tiger snake

Image: Ltshears
The tiger rattle snake gets it's name from it's tiger like pattern on its back. The tiger rattle snake is described to be a mid sized rattle snake there full grown length can be up to 35 inches and there skin color can be orange,blue with grey or a rough brown color its neck is slender and it's head is small and triangle shaped as you can see in the image below at the end of its tail there is a very large rattle this is one feature you can use to tell it apart from the other rattle snakes along with there tiger like pattern. This snake can be found in central and south-central arizona and at elevations of 1,000 to 5,000 they are mostly found on rock slops within rocky mountains and foot hills they can also be found in woodlands how ever they have been rarely found 1 mile outside of the foot hills. there diet consists of mice and small lizards that they inject there venom through large hallowed fangs that they can retract. The matting season of the tiger rattle snake is during the summer around (July and august) and they have a litter of up to 6 young that are born in the summer.The snake is capable of delivering a potent venom how ever most of envenomations  occur when the snake is handled or abused,or if you are seen as a threat to it also during the matting season is when most bites occur do to the pheromones in the air that make the snakes more aggressive.  
Tiger Rattlesnake (Crotalus tigris) Arizona

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Alligator Snapping Turtle

              This large prehistoric turtle is thought as a living dinosaur of the turtle world and can be found in the swamps of florada and lousiana. The alligator snapping turtle gets its name for its alligator like shell and its hard skin along with its strong mouth that has just the right amount of force to chop of a human finger or even a hole hand if it has to. The alligator snapping turtle can live from 50 to 100 years of age and some have lived even longer males can grow up to 23 inches long and  weigh 175 pounds to 200 however females only weigh 50 pounds to 70 pounds. They mostly spend there lives in water but the females will go 50 meters inland to lay there eggs. the alligator snappers protection status is that they are threatened. they are predators of frogs fish and other small creatures of the swamps they use a  red worm like object in there mouth to draw in there prey and then they let them get close and then grab them with there beak like mouth.The adults have no predators except for humans that hunt them for there shells and meat and they use the shell as a trophy of there catch.The alligator snapper can hold its breath from 40 to 50(min) and they are the perfect predator for dark brown.
click on link to video of under water alligator snapping turtle LPbBzNP4uQI.