The tiger rattle snake gets it's name from it's tiger like pattern on its back. The tiger rattle snake is
described to be a mid sized rattle snake there full grown length can be up to 35 inches and there skin color can be orange,blue with grey or a rough brown color its neck is slender and it's head is small and triangle shaped as you can see in the image below at the end of its tail there is a very large rattle this is one feature you can use to tell it apart from the other rattle snakes along with there tiger like pattern. This snake can be found in central and south-central arizona and at elevations of 1,000 to 5,000 they are mostly found on rock slops within rocky mountains and foot hills they can also be found in woodlands how ever they have been rarely found 1 mile outside of the foot hills. there diet consists of mice and small lizards that they inject there venom through large hallowed fangs that they can retract. The matting season of the tiger rattle snake is during the summer around (July and august) and they have a litter of up to 6 young that are born in the summer.The snake is capable of delivering a potent venom how ever most of envenomations occur when the snake is handled or abused,or if you are seen as a threat to it also during the matting season is when most bites occur do to the pheromones in the air that make the snakes more aggressive.
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