Wednesday, October 28, 2015

West Africa mud Turtle

The West African mud turtle is a medium sized, aquatic turtle found throughout West Africa

Today's post will be of the African mud turtle, as the turtle's name suggests they can be found throughout  west Africa in swamps, ponds, rivers, and mud holes. During the dry season the dig into the ground and wait for the wet season to come. They are usually found in large numbers on the muddy banks.This turtle hunts With it's sharp claws and they also can be used for climbing up steep slopes. This turtle is quite common and appeared 120 million years ago making them one of the most primitive turtle species on earth today.They are a medium size turtle species and can grow form 7-11 inches but some reach 12 inches. They have been known to reach 50 in captivity and could live longer in the wild, Now if you are wondering if you can have them as a pet the answer is yes the best way on keeping them  healthy is to put them in a pond like area that is mostly water and only 25% land do this in a 10x10 enclosure with a roof and walls that should go 6-12 inches below the ground.

For more Information watch video 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Whale Shark/Rhincodon typus

Whale shark information

     Today's blog will be on the whale shark/ Rhincodon Tyous, The whale shark  is a slow moving filter/eater similar to a whale. This species originated 60 million years ago. They can be found in tropical open waters along the equator and are rarely found in waters below 71 °F, They are thought to live up to 70 years but keep in mind that this is not an accurate measurement  they may live longer or not. The species was distinguished in April 1828 when a 4.6 m long specimen  was harpooned in Table Bay, South Africa by a military officer with the British troops posted in Cape Town his name was Andrew Smith The following year he named it the whale shark. They can be recognized by the spots on its back it's white belly and the flat snout with small black eyes, the mouth of the whale shark contains up to 300 to 350 rows of teeth and 10 filter pads, They also have five large gills the average size of an adult whale shark is around 9.7 m they can weigh up to 9 tons. There has been sightings of whale sharks that are twice the size of an average adult  that are 18 m long and weigh 18 tons. They feed on plankton and krill but sometimes can accidentally swallow a whole human or fish also they can be friendly unless they have their young near them how ever most whale shark are friendly and allow humans to ride on their backs but watch out for their tails because one hit can kill a man.

Whaleshark scale.jpg

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

flying snakes/Chrysopelea

<p>Photo: A flying snake in flight</p>

            Today's blog will be on flying snakes, okay I know you are probably  thinking no way their is no such thing as flying snakes that is where you are wrong they do exist and are found in the southeast jungles of Asia (the main land, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos). Now they do not rely fly they actually glide the way they achieve this is there body and the way they flatten it into a c shape to trap air under it and this is how they glide. It is said that they can glide better than a flying squirrel's, there are five different species of flying snakes around the world but they are mostly found in the jungles of southeast Asia.They are mildly venomous but not a threat to human only to small prey such as rats and squirrels and many other small rodents or creatures.