Tuesday, October 6, 2015

flying snakes/Chrysopelea

<p>Photo: A flying snake in flight</p>

            Today's blog will be on flying snakes, okay I know you are probably  thinking no way their is no such thing as flying snakes that is where you are wrong they do exist and are found in the southeast jungles of Asia (the main land, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos). Now they do not rely fly they actually glide the way they achieve this is there body and the way they flatten it into a c shape to trap air under it and this is how they glide. It is said that they can glide better than a flying squirrel's, there are five different species of flying snakes around the world but they are mostly found in the jungles of southeast Asia.They are mildly venomous but not a threat to human only to small prey such as rats and squirrels and many other small rodents or creatures.

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