Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sandbar Shark (Carcharhinus Plumbeus)

Sandbar Shark Carcharhinus plumbeus swimming at nightToday's blog will be on the Sandbar Shark/ the Carcharhinus Plumbeus, This shark is one of the largest coastal sharks they are one of the most common shark species swimming along the Atlantic coast. Another name for this shark is the brown shark the shark got it's common name from it's habitat and it's name in Greek translates to "sharpened nose of lead". You can identify this shark by it's large dorsal fin and round blunt nose along with it's tan like color and large gold and black eyes and a graceful swimming patterns. This shark has be reported to attack humans but most attacks are not fatal so this shark is not considered to be dangerous but will still attack if you get to close. The largest this shark can get is 2 m or 6.5 feet long and weigh 45 kg (100 lb) to 90 kg (200 lb. Their diet is mostly made up of small bonny fish and even octopus along with small hard shellfish like crab and shrimp however they mostly hunt at night. during they'er breeding mostly takes place in the early summer in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere during the early fall up to winter they can give berth to 6 to 13 pups during this period.                                                                           

For more information on this shark click on the links below

FLMNH Ichthyology Department: Sandbar Shark

Sandbar shark swimming - ARKive


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