Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top 5 Edition venomous snakes

1.Island Taipan (Fierce Snake)
Poisonous Snake   
 This snake made number one on the list for its venom, Just 110 mg can kill 100 men and over 250,000 mice it's venom is 10 times stronger than the Mojave Rattle snake and 50 times stronger than the common cobra putting them to shame, Frontally they are not aggressive and no fatality's have been recorded how ever they have the potential to kill and full grown man in 45 minutes.

2.Black Mamba 
The Black Mamba made the list because of its reputation in Africa just 100-120 mg of its venom can kill 25 grown men and depending on the bites nature and location the victim can die after 15 minutes or up to 3 hours, their venom is neurotoxin that is fast acting attacking the nerve system of  they're victims and this causes extreme pain nausea and other symptoms to occur to the victim of the bite. This snake is very aggressive and is known to attack if people get to close they even chase people,Most of the attacks occur in the south region of Africa/ the growing region 

Man Immune to Black Mamba Bite 

3. Tiger Snake 

This snake is snake is put on the list for its painful bite this snake delivers a bite that is from 60 to 70% complete pain the bite causes extreme pain to those who are unfortunate to be receive it. The bite causes pain in the neck and feet a tingling sensation,numbness,followed by sweating, difficulty breathing, and paralysis after the bite it can take 30 minutes to 6-24 hours before death.

4.Philippine Cobra 

This cobra is put on the list because it is the most deadliest of all cobras, They can spite venom up to 3 meters and  they're bite can kill in 30 minutes the venom they posses is a neurotoxin and targets the cardiac and respiratory systems and causes minimal tissue damage the toxin also blocks of nerve signals and prevents mussel movement. The symptoms of the bite are the following, headaches,nausea,vomiting,abdominal pain,diarrhea,dizziness,and finally collapse and convolutions.

5. Rattle snake 

    Image result for rattlesnake
The Rattle snake is put on this list for it's common occurrence and its signature rattle witch is feared by everyone in america, This snake is apart of the pit viper family and this means they can see heat signatures they use this to hunt. Out of all of the rattle snakes the eastern diamond back is the most deadliest of them all, most rattle snakes carry a hemototoxin that targets tissue and blood cells however the juveniles are more dangerous than the adults due to the fact that they can not control they're venom and how much they inject. After being bitten by this snake most victims die after one hour and if treated with the right anti venom they have a 4% chance of death.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Top 5 Shark Edition

1. Great white 
Great White Shark - Carcharodon carcharias

The great white is at the top of the list because it has over 400 attacks
and 74 of these are fatal, most of these deaths are because of blood loss
from the gaping hole the great white can leave in your body from one bite. 

2. Tiger shark 

The tiger shark is number 2 on this list because of its 129 attacks of witch
29 where fatal, This shark is known for is ability to vanish in murky water and
 this makes them a ambush hunter. Some of the victims most likely died  from
drowning since  they drag some of their prey to the seafloor they accomplish this
with their curved teeth.

3. Bull shark 

The bull shark is on the list at number 3 for it's 104 attacks and 26 kills this
shark is capable of going in both fresh and salt water this makes them deadly in
salt and fresh water and they have their own way of testing for food the technique
is the bump and bite when the bump into their prey and bite it to see if its food.

4.Oceanic White Tip 
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
This shark is number 4 on our list this sharks number of attacks are unknown and
it is estimated that it has killed many there is no total of attacks or deaths caused
because of this shark and it is most likely to attack you in open waters but they have
 attacked in the shallows.

5.Short fin Mako Shark 
Shortfin Mako Shark

The short fin mako is number 5 on the list for its 45 attacks and 3 kills this
shark is most likely to attack you if you are at the red sea and this shark is known
for its speed it can swim up to 22 mph

That's all hope you enjoyed the top 5 follow for more and leave a comment. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Great White Hunting Tactic Breach

For today's blog I decided to do on the great white and it's hunting tactics, As you may know the great white is known for its breaching tactic this tactic is used to ambush their 
prey from below. They can jump completely out of the water and catch their prey how ever they let the prey bleed out before eating it to prevent the risk of getting hurt. Also when breaching they close their eyes before impact to protect them from harm. Now look at how the great white is colored it has a black back and a white belly this is used to camouflage at the bottom of the sea to ambush they're prey.     

Links To Great White Breach Videos 

Here is a cartoon for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Florida Worm Lizard (Rhineura floridana)

Today's blog is on a alien like lizard known as the Florida worm lizard/thunder worm, This worm like lizard is located in Florida and is special because it is the only worm like lizard in North America as you can see on the map they only  live in the area marked in purple witch is not that large. This lizard is mistaken to be a worm by the people of Florida and stepped on because of their small size,But when you look closely you will see scales on its body this is on thing that makes it different form a worm. and as you can see in the picture below it appears that this lizard doesn't have eyes but they do this one is just covering them with small scales to protect them they use the scales to protect the eyes while digging through the ground , This lizard has nostrils that point backward to prevent mud and grime form getting into their nose.

                     Close up of the Florida worm Lizards head and part of its body.