1. Great white
The great white is at the top of the list because it has over 400 attacks
and 74 of these are fatal, most of these deaths are because of blood loss
from the gaping hole the great white can leave in your body from one bite.
2. Tiger shark
The tiger shark is number 2 on this list because of its 129 attacks of witch
29 where fatal, This shark is known for is ability to vanish in murky water and
this makes them a ambush hunter. Some of the victims most likely died from
drowning since they drag some of their prey to the seafloor they accomplish this
with their curved teeth.

3. Bull shark
The bull shark is on the list at number 3 for it's 104 attacks and 26 kills this
shark is capable of going in both fresh and salt water this makes them deadly in
salt and fresh water and they have their own way of testing for food the technique
is the bump and bite when the bump into their prey and bite it to see if its food.
4.Oceanic White Tip
This shark is number 4 on our list this sharks number of attacks are unknown and
it is estimated that it has killed many there is no total of attacks or deaths caused
because of this shark and it is most likely to attack you in open waters but they have
attacked in the shallows.
5.Short fin Mako Shark
The short fin mako is number 5 on the list for its 45 attacks and 3 kills this
shark is most likely to attack you if you are at the red sea and this shark is known
for its speed it can swim up to 22 mph

That's all hope you enjoyed the top 5 follow for more and leave a comment. :)