Monday, April 11, 2016

Saltwater Crocodile

Today's blog is on the Salt water crocodile I hope that you enjoy this and share what you think about this beast.

The salt water crocodile is on of the
worlds biggest crocodilians and from its name it is easy to tell they do swim in both salt and fresh water,The have a bite that is 10 times stronger than a great white and can grow up to 20-25 feet in length they also have been reported as man eaters.
Kills:Average 1,000 a year mostly during the mating season.
Attacks: Last reported 2010 around 3000 attacks may increase in the mating season when they are most hostile and more likely to attack.

A sign, warning that the water here is infested with Australian crocodiles.

Avoiding attacks: To avoid being attacked always be on the look out for warning signs when in Australia and Malaysia, Also look for air bubbles on the surface of the water this will give away the crocs location and avoid it if possible.

If Attacked: if you are attacked by this animal go for it's eyes or the back of the throat these are the most sensitive parts of the croc keep in mind this goes for all crocodilians, and if they try to preform a death roll rotate your body with it  or try to wrap around its body and hold on tight to prevent the loss of a limb after it gives up get to the shore and seek medical help as soon as possible.


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