Thursday, February 27, 2014

                                                                     komodo dragon

               In 1992 the komodo dragon hatched for the first time outside of Indonesia the komodo dragon is

one of the biggest lizards in the world some can reach a size of a monster size of 10 feet and the normal size

will be around 8 feet and 145 pounds they can run up to 13 mph and for a short time there hunting methods

are mostly stealth and they have poor hearing they have worst hearing compared humans and can not hear

high or  low pitch sounds  they have a yellowish forked  tongue and can pick up the airborne molecules from

prey they grate swimmers and do not try to get away in the water the best way to be safe is getting up in a

tree they can not climb up trees and they will leave soon it is a good idea to carry a a torch they do not like

fire like any other lizard and even a flare gun can help you out of a life or death star down with a komodo

dragon they are meat eaters and will kill anything if it is hungry and sees a meal they will work in groups if

the kill is to big to eat by it self and they live on the island of komodo.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014



              The king cobra is the longest of all living venomous snakes and is a inspiration of myths and legends

the name of the king cobra came from the Greeks and it means snake eating, the head is broad and flattened

a narrow hood witch can be extended as a sign to back off or suffer the venomous bite they come in colors

like tan or a olive brown they are vary venomous they can grow up to 18 1/2  feet long when fully grown

they will weigh abut 13 pounds and the king cobra can be used for a sport, they are more likely to bite

when they are near there eggs and when they start hatching they will go food for them they can become pry

to the mongoose the mongoose is not affected by they venom and will take the meal the king cobra can be

found in India and Asia they do most of there hunting at night they can see there pry from a distance of 300

feet they can adapt to any habit they contane anoth venom to kill a elefent they only will use a small dose of

there venom on us.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

watch diamond backs head that is still moving

                                                  Western  Diamondback Rattle Snake

                        The western diamondback is gets its name from the black diamond shapes on its back they
have bands of black and white near its tail and black lines running from its fore head to its eye they are pit
vipers and they use infra red and can see a rat two miles away and they way they can see in infra red is the
loreal pit behind etch nostril they can grow up to 8 feet long and can kill a grown man they can tell what is predator or prey their habitats are rocky hill sides, forests,grassy plans,and deserts they will eat mice,rats,and birds they rang to be in the state of arizona new mexico califonia and even oklahoma and texas the main predators of the western diamondback are bobcats,hawks,fox,king snake,and can even find albinos in the western diamondback and the albinos are worth lots of money if you can catch one and then sell it to a buyer the price for they can go up to 1000 in cash if you would like to see the western diamondback in action go to the discovery channel or animal planet.



Tuesday, February 18, 2014


                                                     Tegu lizard 

Tegus are an invasive species reproduces
quickly and eats a wide variety of food
items, including small animals and eggs
of many wildlife species. Tegus are now
known to have breeding populations in
Miami-Dade, Polk, and Hillsborough
counties. It is believed the populations were
the tegu was a peat to pet owners that came
florida and the spreed was from released or
escaped from the pet owners some of the owners
released there tegus out of fear the tgeu can be found on the sides of roads or even in the back yards of florida the tegu is not a good type of pet and can bite off your fingers the tegu is armed with sharp claws.

      in conclusion the tegu is vary dangerus

Thursday, February 13, 2014


 This shark is the biggest shark in the world and is the right size to eat half of a wale, they are bigger than a grate white shark and the size is 100 feet long and is bigger, than a sub this shark is one the biggest the tooth is 8 inches long we are like a snack to this shark and a whale is a meal a shark that is the second biggest and is named submarine a 20 foot grate white is the scent biggest shark in the sea Megalodon can take done a large boat like a fishing boat and other boats that may look like a whale from the bottom of the ocean and it still can be brought in by blood and lots of chum the megalodon shark can scare away all of the smaller sharks and even the grate white shark can look like a sardine to the megalodon shark the 

                                                             Megalodon shark  

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


                                                      Goblin Shark

                    the goblin shark is appart of a family called mitsukurinidae they date back 125 million years and are still alive to this day they are considerd to be living fossls and they can be identifide by thaire pointed nose and slimey apperance the goblin shark poses no thret to humanas and dering a masive earth quake in april 2003 over one hundred of them couht by the local  fisher men of taiwan the specise where never reported to be in th area 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

                                                              sand tiger shark


            the sand tiger shark is a fearsome  appearance and are vary strong swimmer's and can grow up to 3.0 meters the sand tiger has no confirmed  kills on humans but can leave a nasty bite and the teeth on the sand tiger are made to lock on and leave a nasty bite they are known to be a danger in tropical waters if you get to close and you can identify them by their full display of the sharp teeth the tan type of skin there pointed nose and rust colored and white belly  they will eat squid,crab and even other sharks they can gulp in air allowing it to be suspended in water column with minimal effort. they will migrate to south Africa and Australia  they are known to be nocturnal hunters and at night they have the perfect color to blend in      
the sand  tiger shark and teeth 
the sand tiger sharks age and length scale