Tuesday, February 4, 2014

                                                              sand tiger shark


            the sand tiger shark is a fearsome  appearance and are vary strong swimmer's and can grow up to 3.0 meters the sand tiger has no confirmed  kills on humans but can leave a nasty bite and the teeth on the sand tiger are made to lock on and leave a nasty bite they are known to be a danger in tropical waters if you get to close and you can identify them by their full display of the sharp teeth the tan type of skin there pointed nose and rust colored and white belly  they will eat squid,crab and even other sharks they can gulp in air allowing it to be suspended in water column with minimal effort. they will migrate to south Africa and Australia  they are known to be nocturnal hunters and at night they have the perfect color to blend in      
the sand  tiger shark and teeth 
the sand tiger sharks age and length scale 

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