watch diamond backs head that is still moving
Western Diamondback Rattle Snake
The western diamondback is gets its name from the black diamond shapes on its back they
have bands of black and white near its tail and black lines running from its fore head to its eye they are pit
vipers and they use infra red and can see a rat two miles away and they way they can see in infra red is the
loreal pit behind etch nostril they can grow up to 8 feet long and can kill a grown man they can tell what is predator or prey their habitats are rocky hill sides, forests,grassy plans,and deserts they will eat mice,rats,and birds they rang to be in the state of arizona new mexico califonia and even oklahoma and texas the main predators of the western diamondback are bobcats,hawks,fox,king snake,and can even find albinos in the western diamondback and the albinos are worth lots of money if you can catch one and then sell it to a buyer the price for they can go up to 1000 in cash if you would like to see the western diamondback in action go to the discovery channel or animal planet.
Great pictures!