Thursday, April 16, 2015

green mamba

The eastern green mamba is only one of 4 mambas another is in one of my other blogs the black mamba, the green mamba can grow from 6 to 7 feet in length.The green mamba is similar to the black mamba and the others they all have the same shaped head but they are in different colors.The newly birthed mambas are about 15 inches long and are still able to kill a full grown adult the green mambas life range is 12 to 20 years.Their habitats are mostly consist of woodlands and coastal bushlands along with bambo thickets they  will only leave the safety of the trees to find food or go for a swim on a hot day. The green mamba can be found on the east coast of southern africa the green mamba has been known to be shy unlike the black mamba that will chase people the green mamba will most likely just strike if in danger or just hide in the thickets since they can blend in to the leafs and that is one of their greatest strengths is blending in with their well adapted skin 87wD972QE1U youtube video of green mamba D-angusticeps-range.png

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