Wednesday, April 8, 2015

yellow bellied sea snake

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The yellow bellied sea snake like other sea snakes has a paddle like tail and the reason for the name is easy to tell why it is named the way it is because of the yellow belie.The yellow bellied sea can be found in africa from djibouti in the north to cape town in the south and across the indian ocean,the pacific,south as far as the northern coast of new zealand,all the way to the western coast of america,where it occurs from northern peru in the south including the galapagos islands.They travel along the warm sea currents and travel on the surface of the water they also will hold their head out of the water when they are swimming fast. The yellow bellied sea snake feeds mostly on small fish.They are capable of swimming 1 m/sec and they are 10x more venomous than the  egyptian cobra but they deliver a smaller amount of venom per bite than the cobra and the venom is used to immobilize their prey females give berth from 2 to 6 live young after 6 months.The yellow sea snake can be found in groups and they can be found in floating sea weed.  

                          video meGFcJ03bg0
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake Yellow bellied sea snake

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